Pharmacovigilance, Adverse event reporting

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RO Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC

Address BC "Mikom Palats" (6th floor), Dehtiarivska St. 27T, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mail address BC "Mikom Palats", Dehtiarivska St. 27T, Kyiv, 04119, UA
Phone +380 44 496 05 39

Write to us

You can use the following online contact form to send a message to our department that is responsible for the selected topic.

Corporate e-mail addresses

Contact Details

Office e-mail address

More locations

Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC Trade Center
Address: 1134 Budapest, Lehel utca 11-15., Hungary
Phone: +36 1 803-222
Telefax: +36 1 383-9257
Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC, Bökényföldi út
Address: 1165 Budapest, Bökényföldi út 118-120., Hungary
Phone: +36 1 803-4222
Telefax: +36 1 803-4222
Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC Production Site of Körmend
Address: 9900 Körmend, Mátyás király utca 65., Hungary
Phone: +36 94 883-100
Telefax: +36 94 410-622

Company Information

Name of the Company
Egis Pharmaceuticals Private Limited Company
Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC
H-1106 Budapest, Keresztúri út 30-38.
Postal address
H-1475 Budapest 10 Pf. 100
Postal address for invoices
H-1475 Budapest 10 Pf. 111
Branch of the company
H-9900 Körmend, Mátyás király utca 65.
Site of the Company
H-1134 Budapest, Lehel utca 11-15.
Site of the company
H-1165 Budapest, Bökényföldi út 118-120.
Taxation code
Registration code

Pharmacovigilance, Adverse event reporting

Click "Go to contacts" to get acquainted with information about the processing of personal data and choose a convenient method for 24/7 support (online form, e-mail, messenger).

Report adverse drug reaction



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